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Date Issued:
Uniform Title: Kalliope.
Alternative Title: Kalliope: a Journal of women’s art.
Alternative Title: Kalliope: a Journal of women’s literature and art.
Type of Resource: text
Genre: Journal
Issuance: serial
Frequency: Semiannual, 2003-2008
Triannual, 1979-2002
Date Issued: 2001-09-01
Publisher: Florida State College at Jacksonville, 2009-
Florida Community College at Jacksonville, 1986-2009
Florida Junior College, 1979-1986
Place of Publication: Jacksonville, FL
Physical Form: text
Table of Contents: Allison Riddles (Untitled, Dammit; Count the Distance) -- Alma Luz Villanueva (Review of Changing Woman by Janine Conan) -- Brandy Whitlock (Rattling Loose) -- Cynthia Wyatt (Raised by Women) -- Deb Schlouch (Wheels of Culture: A Woman's Role; Breaking Family Ties; Self-Portrait #2; See My Skin; Life Is an Orgasm!; The Sorrow Within Us All; Self Portrait #3: At War with Mom/Self; Soul Connections; Self-Portrait #1) -- Ellen Wehle (Sympathetic Magic) -- Ferne Arfin (You Get Used to It) -- Geri Lipschultz (In Whose Hands We Trust) -- Hayley R. Mitchell (Wedding) -- John Garmon (Interview with Carla Hartsfield, Musician and Poet) -- Joslyn Gray (Doorways) -- Judy Stafford (Spring; Summer; Fall; Winter) -- Kalliope (Kalliope's Eighth Sue Saniel Elkind Poetry Contest) -- Karen D. Edmundson (Sunset Envy) -- Kelly Blunt (Paper Birds; Awakening; Cosmos) -- Kirsten Kaschock (Fable of the Stone Bride: A Beast's Lament) -- Kris Christensen (There Is Just One Flower Story) -- Larissa Szporluk (Falter) -- Linda Garnett (Family Portrait) -- Lisa Brener (Every Day But Wednesday) -- Mariana Marin (On the Fifth Floor) -- Mary Millan Klunk (Father to Son) -- Masarah Van Eyck (After Great Pain (learning the tanka)) -- N.A. Henry (Map to Myself) -- Robyn Johnson Ross (Icon; Cocktail; Zone; Ladder; Tattoo; Kaybee; Disarrayed; Fetish) -- Ruth Moon Kempher (Pigeon Morning, in Bethesda; By the Door, Cassandra Invokes the Muse) -- Sandy Supowit (What I Don't Say to an Adopting Mother About How it Feels To Be an Adopted Child) -- Shannon Gilliam (Four Buttered Lovelies, Like Lumps of Stone) -- Shubba Venugopal (A Visit to India from America--Watching the Garba (Folk) Dance) -- Twyla Hansen (My Granddaughter's Sick).
Identifier: 0735-7885 (issn), 8981808 (oclc), Kalliope2001_03 (IID)
Note(s): Kalliope, a journal of women's art is indexed in the American Humanities Index and The Index of American Periodical Verse. Materials published in Kaliope do not necessarily represent the opinions or views of Florida State College at Jacksonville.
Editor: Mary Sue Koeppel -- Art Director: Aimee Young Jackson -- Art Editor: Pamela D. Grey Editorial Readers’ Board: (Susan Brandenbery, Dorothy Duncan Burris, Ruth Coe Chambers, Donna Sherrill Cobis, Anna DeMay, Carlota Fowler, Joan Hill, Lucile McAuley, Kathleen McHugh, Minh Lien Nguyen, Sally Nielson, Bonny Barry Sanders, Dorothy Jean Shepard, Sharon Scholl) -- Proofreaders: (Sohrab Fracis, Frank Green) -- Contributing Editors: (Peg Lauber, Yvonne Sapia, Enid Shomer) -- Student Intern: Stephen Covington -- Founding Editors: (Elizabeth Friedmann, Betty Bedell) --Publisher: Florida Community College at Jacksonville
Subject(s): Women artists -- United States -- Periodicals
Arts, American -- 20th century -- Periodicals
Arts, American -- 21st century -- Periodicals
Women artists
Women in art
Women in literature
Women and literature -- United States
American poetry -- Women authors
Women poets
Women poets, American
Persistent Link to This Record:
Use and Reproduction: Florida State College at Jacksonville (formerly Florida Community College at Jacksonville) holds the copyright to each entire published journal issue. All rights reserved.
Host Institution: FSCJ

In Collections

Title: Kalliope.
Alternative Title: Kalliope: a Journal of women's art.
Alternative Title: Kalliope: a journal of women's literature and art.
Type of Resource: text
Genre: Journal
Issuance: serial
Frequency: Semiannual, 2003-2008
Triannual, 1979-2002
Publisher: Florida State College at Jacksonville, 2009-
Florida Community College at Jacksonville, 1986-2009
Florida Junior College, 1979-1986
Place of Publication: Jacksonville, FL
Physical Form: text
Identifier: 0735-7885 (issn), 8981808 (oclc), Kalliope (IID)
Note(s): Kalliope, a journal of women's art is indexed in the American Humanities Index and The Index of American Periodical Verse. Materials published in Kaliope do not necessarily represent the opinions or views of Florida State College at Jacksonville.
Subject(s): Women artists -- United States -- Periodicals
Arts, American -- 20th century -- Periodicals
Arts, American -- 21st century -- Periodicals
Women artists
Women in art
Women in literature
Women and literature -- United States
American poetry -- Women authors
Women poets
Women poets, American
Persistent Link to This Record:
Use and Reproduction: Florida State College at Jacksonville (formerly Florida Community College at Jacksonville) holds the copyright to each entire published journal issue. All rights reserved.
Use and Reproduction:
Host Institution: FSCJ

In Collections