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The Experience Magazine.

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Date Issued:
Uniform Title: The Experience Magazine.
Alternative Title: The Experience: FSCJ's Art and Literature Magazine.
Type of Resource: text
Genre: Journal
Issuance: serial
Frequency: Irregular
Biannual, 1968-1976, 1978, 1980-1983, 1985, 1987-1988
Annual, 1977, 1979, 1984, 1986, 1989-2016
Missing issues from 1998 and 2000
Date Issued: 2019-11-07
Publisher: Florida State College at Jacksonville, 2009-
Florida Community College at Jacksonville, 1986-2009
Florida Junior College, 1968-1986
Place of Publication: Jacksonville, FL
Physical Form: text
Vol. 2, no. 1 (1968) - Vol. 48, no. 1 (2016)
Extent: 42 pages
Physical Description: Vol. 51
Table of Contents: Grace Ingoldsby, The Nature Within (detail), photograph** -- Chris Eder, Play with Shadows, photograph* -- Kelly Wright, Damaged Beauty, photograph -- Alexandro Orande, Eventide, poem -- Kayleigh Schwend, Sanibelle Part Deux, oil on canvas -- Alexander Pool, Viva Las Vegas, short story -- Chloe Kingdon, Nostalgia, digital illustration -- Justin Eyer, Humanity, metal* -- Cephas Bradley, Sparky, charcoal on canvas*-- Eduardo Castro, The Shop, photograph** -- Blandi Moore, Jackson Street Bridge, photograph** -- Grace lngoldsby, The Nature Within, photograph** -- Justin Olaguivel, Sampaguita, poem -- Christina Rey, Still Life, graphite on paper -- Jeremy Bell, Repetition, 3D print* -- Daryl Hall, Petrichor, photograph* -- Jessika Yakimchuk, Untitled, short story -- Natalie Heathcoat, Her 2, photograph* -- Brian Gamble, Hall of Pillars, photograph -- Riley Stinson, Fallen Angel, photograph -- Tyler J. Williamson, Welcome Friends, photograph** -- Timothy Samaniego, My Hidden Self, photograph** -- Dayshawn Samons, Snail and Frog, poem -- Crystal Abreu, Archives, oil on canvas -- Carlos Acevedo, Negative Impacts of Stress, digital image -- John Larson, Pool Side, photograph -- Maiya Phillips, Not All That is Dark Equates to Evil, Not All That is Light Equates to Good, Oil on mirror -- Kelly Wright, Sisters, photograph -- Matt Felts, Witch in Repose, clay* -- Jessie McKinney, Maybe, Just Maybe, photograph** -- Melissa Miller, Out of Sight, Out of Mind, oil on canvas* -- Claudia Garcia, Sunset Through the Cathedrals Window, photograph -- Tyler Burt, Honey, digital image* -- Laura Sizemore, My Antidepressants, poem -- Ariel Van Tornhout, Peaceful Growth, raku* -- David Wright, Pick a Seat, photograph** -- Jonathan Cardona, Transparency, graphite on paper* -- Hannah Murphy, Curtains, photograph -- Bethany Nichols, Nineteen, poem -- Topaz Reid, If You Knew Her, You'd Feel the Same, photograph -- Max Honeyman, Untitled, short story -- Brandi Moore, Honeydrop, photograph -- Emily Mauer, Untitled, short story -- Brenda Schwend, Yes, Dear, oil on canvas* -- Brenda Schwend, A Lady in the Garden, digital image* Kelly Clark, The Art of the Race, photograph** -- Jacob Trotter, Greyhound Misfits, short story -- Tyler J. Williamson, My Shadow, photograph -- Tierra Jones, Vises, conté on paper* -- Maria Daitch, Colonial Mentality, oil on canvas -- Christina Morency, The Ice Cream Flavor, short story -- Cephas Bradley, Jada Bayda, thumb tacks on canvas --Kelly Parish, Lustee Lady, photograph* -- Sarah Houk, Would You?, poem -- Gleeva Bennett, Sea Everything, photograph -- List of Art Award Recipients -- Grace Lyle, Skeleton Study, graphite on paper* -- Taryn Towsley, At Night, reduction print* -- Jennifer Capps, The Duality of Brutality, digital image
Identifier: 1043902500 (oclc), FSCJ_Experience_20191107 (IID)
Note(s): The Experience, the Art and Literature Magazine of Florida State College at Jacksonville, is published annually in the spring.

The Experience is the College’s second art and literature magazine. It was preceded by a magazine called Reason, which only published one issue in 1967 and did not continue. That explains why ours start with “volume 2” even though it is actually volume 1.

“The experience of all humanity lies either lost within the minds of men or preserved upon the printed page. Each of us experiences those favors of life within our grasp; and yet, some few have realized uncommon endeavor. For these, the quest is not only personal gratification, but also an attempt to preserve and reflect each sensation, so that man might not miss the slightest opportunity for shared experience. And to these few belongs the glory of experience that outshines even Ulysses’s greatest deeds.”--Editor, Vol. 2

Materials published in The Experience do not necessarily represent the opinions or views of Florida State College at Jacksonville.
Editorial Board Editor (Whitney Lafond) -- Literary Editor (Matthew Lany) -- Art Editor/Catalog Design (Lynn Lewis) -- Production Assistant (Tara Paige). Dr. John Avendano -- College President, Dr. John Wall -- Provost/Vice President Academic Affairs, Dr. Ian Neuhard -- Associate Provost Liberal Arts and Sciences, Dr. Jeff Hess -- Dean of Arts and Sciences, Communication
Subject(s): Arts, American -- 20th century -- Periodicals.
Arts, American -- 21st century -- Periodicals.
Arts -- Periodicals.
Poetry -- Periodicals.
Short stories -- Periodicals.
Literature -- Periodicals.
Florida State College at Jacksonville – Periodicals.
Florida Community College at Jacksonville -- Periodicals.
Florida Junior College -- Periodicals.
College student newspapers and periodicals -- Florida -- Jacksonville.
Persistent Link to This Record:
Use and Reproduction: Florida State College at Jacksonville (formerly Florida Community College at Jacksonville) holds the copyright to each entire published journal issue. All rights reserved.
Use and Reproduction:
Host Institution: FSCJ

In Collections

Title: The Experience.
Alternative Title: The Experience: FSCJ's Art and Literature Magazine.
Type of Resource: still image
Genre: Journal
Issuance: serial
Frequency: Missing issues from 1998 and 2000
Biannual, 1968-1976, 1978, 1980-1983, 1985, 1987-1988
Annual, 1977, 1979, 1984, 1986, 1989-2016
Publisher: Florida State College at Jacksonville, 2009-
Florida Junior College, 1968-1986
Florida Community College at Jacksonville, 1986-2009
Place of Publication: Jacksonville, FL
Physical Form: Vol. 2, no. 1 (1968) - Vol. 48, no. 1 (2016)
Identifier: TheExperience (IID)
Note(s): The Experience, the Art and Literature Magazine of Florida State College at Jacksonville, is published annually in the spring.
The Experience is the College’s second art and literature magazine. It was preceded by a magazine called Reason, which only published one issue in 1967 and did not continue. That explains why ours start with “volume 2” even though it is actually volume 1.
“The experience of all humanity lies either lost within the minds of men or preserved upon the printed page. Each of us experiences those favors of life within our grasp; and yet, some few have realized uncommon endeavor. For these, the quest is not only personal gratification, but also an attempt to preserve and reflect each sensation, so that man might not miss the slightest opportunity for shared experience. And to these few belongs the glory of experience that outshines even Ulysses’s greatest deeds.”--Editor, Vol. 2
Materials published in The Experience do not necessarily represent the opinions or views of Florida State College at Jacksonville.
Subject(s): Arts, American -- 20th century -- Periodicals.
Arts, American -- 21st century -- Periodicals.
Arts -- Periodicals.
Poetry -- Periodicals.
Short stories -- Periodicals.
Literature -- Periodicals.
Florida State College at Jacksonville – Periodicals.
Florida Community College at Jacksonville -- Periodicals.
Florida Junior College -- Periodicals.
College student newspapers and periodicals -- Florida -- Jacksonville.
Persistent Link to This Record:
Use and Reproduction:
Use and Reproduction: Florida State College at Jacksonville (formerly Florida Community College at Jacksonville) holds the copyright to each entire published journal issue. All rights reserved.
Host Institution: FSCJ

In Collections