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Title: Peter/Wendy
Title: Pinocchio
Title: Popcorn
Title: Puffs
Title: Repossessions: Mass Shooting in Baymeadows
Description: In April of 2019, FSCJ Dramaworks presented The Repossession of James Edward Pough: Mass Shooting in Baymeadows, a play written by Prof. Tim Gilmore based on the 1990 shooting at the GMAC Payment Center in Jacksonville. Considered to be one of the first workplace mass shootings in U.S. histor...
Title: Revenge of the Space Pandas, The
Description: In November 2011, FSCJ Dramaworks presented David Mamet’s The Revenge of the Space Pandas. Mamet, a Pulitzer Prize winner for 1984’s Glengarry Glen Ross, takes a distinctly silly comedic turn in this tale of a boy named Binky who travels through time and space with his friends Vivian (a g...
Title: Room Service
Description: In April of 2014, FSCJ DramaWorks presented Room Service by John Murray and Allen Boretz. Originally written in 1937, this zany farce engendered a successful Broadway run, a Marx Brothers’ movie, and a Frank Sinatra musical. The play tells the story of penniless theater producer Gordon Mill...
Title: Secret Affairs of Mildred Wild, The
Description: In April of 2013, FSCJ Dramaworks presented The Secret Affairs of Mildred Wild, an imaginative comedy by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Paul Zindel. In the tiny living quarters behind the Greenwich Village candy store which she operates with her husband, crowded with her forty-year collect...
