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Title: Two Days
Title: U.S. Drag
Title: Unspoken for Time
Description: In October of 2007, FSCJ Dramaworks presented Unspoken for Time by Jeff Barker. This two-act play is inspired by real tales of sexual abuse, and tells the story of Diane Swanson, a freshman at Jordon College, who arrives home for Christmas break at the same time Blaine McCall, a friend of the...
Title: Women of Lockerbie, The
Description: In November 2010, FSCJ Dramaworks presented Deborah Brevoort’s The Women of Lockerbie. Written in 1998 in a style deliberately evoking Greek tragedy, the story centers on a mother from New Jersey roaming the hills of Lockerbie, Scotland, looking for her son’s remains, which were lost in t...
