In April of 2013, FSCJ Dramaworks presented The Secret Affairs of Mildred Wild, an imaginative comedy by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Paul Zindel. In the tiny living quarters behind the Greenwich Village candy store which she operates with her husband, crowded with her forty-year collection of movie magazines, Mildred Wild has virtually escaped from reality in a dream world conjured up by the 3,000 movies she has eagerly devoured. And when the outside world does intrude – via her husband, his meddling sister, their neurotic landlady, the playful butcher from next door, or the foreman of the wrecking crew sent to tear down her building – Mildred meets each crisis with a hilarious fantasy scene drawn from her precious lode of classic 1930’s movies. Mildred’s life is further complicated by such unlikely visitors as a bulldozer, a couple of nuns, King Kong, and a manic television camera crew. Mildred finally has to face reality in the poignant last scene as she and her husband find a way to begin again without the “silver screen” to guide them.
This show ran at FSCJ's Wilson Center for the Arts April 11-14, 2013.
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