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Date Issued:
FJC Artist Series presents the Internationally Famous Duke Ellington Orchestra conducted by Mercer Ellington and the FJC Symphonic Band conducted by Dale Blackwell.
FJC Artist Series presents the Internationally Famous Duke Ellington Orchestra conducted by Mercer Ellington and the FJC Symphonic Band conducted by Dale Blackwell.
Table of Contents:
FJC Symphonic Band: From Tropic to Tropic / Russel Alexander/G.C. Bainum -- Sabbath Music / S. Karg - Elert/W. Rhoads -- Adagio and Allegro for Horn / Don Haddad -- Soloist: Jon White -- Chester Overture / William Schuman -- Jupiter from The Planets / Gustav Holst -- Festival / Clifton Williams -- An Ellington Portrait / Floyd E. Werle -- The Duke Ellington Orchestra.