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Date Issued:
Uniform Title: Kalliope.
Alternative Title: Kalliope: a Journal of women’s art.
Alternative Title: Kalliope: a Journal of women’s literature and art.
Type of Resource: text
Genre: Journal
Issuance: serial
Frequency: Semiannual, 2003-2008
Triannual, 1979-2002
Date Issued: 1994-01-01
Publisher: Florida State College at Jacksonville, 2009-
Florida Community College at Jacksonville, 1986-2009
Florida Junior College, 1979-1986
Place of Publication: Jacksonville, FL
Physical Form: text
Physical Description: Editor: Mary Sue Koeppel; Illustrator & Activities Creator: Nancy Banks; Photographer: Robert-George de Stolfe; Typesetters: Kathy Dellinger, Rick Banks; Editorial Intern: Caryn Harris
Table of Contents: Joy Harjo: My House Is the Red Earth -- Gwendolyn Brooks: I Smile When I See People Coming -- billie jo: what's inside you ; green eyes -- Ruth Moon Kempher: Rain Song ; A Skinney Poem about Fog ; The Uttle Blue Flower -- Bob Gentry: Tony and Carrie -- Jack E. Surrency: Around the Block ; Cat Poised Atop a Dumpster ; Summer Dirt -- Bill Leyden: LaTanya's Birthday Wish -- Michael Slavicz: The Three Bears -- Kiernan Baron: Puppy Poem -- Jessica Koeppel: Bird ; Snow -- Dave Nielsen: My Cat -- Barbara Patton: Imagine -- Anna DeMay: Sticking Up for My Grandma ; At the Zoo ; Sun-Lovers Limerick -- Layle Silbert: Arabella Had a Silk Umbrella ; Christine I. Rolfe: Tangle Fairies -- Frances Walsh: Hear You're Here -- Lucille T. Lauducci: Air -- Minh Lien Nguyen: Haiku -- Millie Taylor: At the Ice Cream Shop ; Magic Keys -- Gail Engram: Emergency 911 -- Lucille T. Lauducci: The Trees Tell Me a Secret -- Connie Davies: More Orange than Orange -- Linda Zelenka: My Pillow -- Minh Lien Nguyen: The Old Man ; How Beautiful Is My Sister Baby -- Sharon Scholl: Ocala National Forest ; How We Came to the Canyon -- William Slaughter: China Lesson.
Identifier: 0735-7885 (issn), 8981808 (oclc), 1994LollipopsLizardsLit (IID)
Note(s): Kalliope, a journal of women's art is indexed in the American Humanities Index and The Index of American Periodical Verse. Materials published in Kaliope do not necessarily represent the opinions or views of Florida State College at Jacksonville.
Subject(s): Women artists -- United States -- Periodicals
Arts, American -- 20th century -- Periodicals
Arts, American -- 21st century -- Periodicals
Women artists
Women in art
Women in literature
Women and literature -- United States
American poetry -- Women authors
Women poets
Women poets, American
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Use and Reproduction: Florida State College at Jacksonville (formerly Florida Community College at Jacksonville) holds the copyright to each entire published journal issue. All rights reserved.
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Host Institution: FSCJ

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