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Title: Is He Dead?
Description: In November of 2008, FSCJ Dramaworks presented Is He Dead?, a comedy by Mark Twain adapted by David Ives. The play focuses on a fictional version of French painter Jean-François Millet, an impoverished artist who, with the help of his colleagues, stages his death in order to drive up the val...
Title: Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris
Description: In November of 2014, FSCJ Dramaworks presented Jacques Brel is Alive and Well in Paris, an off-Broadway musical created in 1968 by Eric Blau and Mort Shuman using twenty songs by folk singer-poet Jacques Brel. Born in Belgium in 1929, where his early life was significantly shaped the by World...
Title: James and the Giant Peach
Description: In November of 2015, FSCJ Dramaworks presented James and the Giant Peach, an adaptation by David Wood of Roald Dahl’s classic novel for children. Dahl - a British novelist, short story writer, fighter pilot, and screenwriter – started writing short stories in 1942, and published his first...
Title: La Caroline
Description: On Friday, June 13, 2012, FSCJ students performed a preview of La Caroline, an original rock opera written by Professor Jennifer Chase with music by John Citrone. La Caroline tells the story of the founding of Fort Caroline on the St. Johns River, following the lives of French Huguenot explor...
Title: Lady from Dubuque, The
Description: In March of 2005, FSCJ Dramaworks presented Edward Albee’s The Lady from Dubuque. In the play three couples meet in a living room and play dangerous games, avoiding the topic of one woman's imminent death, until they are interrupted by the arrival of a black man and a woman calling herself ...
Title: Letters to Sala: A Young Woman’s Life in Nazi Labor Camps
Description: In November of 2013, FSCJ Dramaworks presented Letters to Sala: A Young Woman’s Life in Nazi Labor Camps by Arlene Hutton. Based upon Ann Kirschner’s book Sala’s Gift, the play follows the experiences of the author’s mother, who spent five years in seven different German concen...
Title: Lonely Planet
