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(141 - 160 of 6,407)


1985 Jacksonville Music Teachers Association Piano Ensemble Festival
1986 Calendar of Conventions and Events: March 6-8 Florida Junior College teachers of history, convention
1987 EVE Award Winners: Education
1st Edna Holland scholarship awarded
1st Edna Holland scholarship goes to Annette M. Neukirch
1st Offenders May Get Choice: FJC Or Jail
2 at FJC Serve State Student Association
2 Bills Provide Capital Outlay Funds for FJC Here
2 Campuses Take Shape: FJC Rising On North, South
2 candidates for FJC presidency offer views to search committee
2 deaths here remain mysteries
2 FJC Officials Switching Jobs
2 FJC Students Get Awards
2 Florida Community College at Jacksonville students century apart: Nancy Vine is 121, Christopher Rasmus, 14
2 Hygienists To Be Honored
2 Jacksonville Schools Complete Banner Year; See Bright One Ahead: Jacksonville University; Florida Junior College
2 Renamed To Board At FJC
2,000 Enrollment Anticipated When FJC Opens Here Aug.22
2-Year University Plan Seen Gaining Support: Senator Cites Lower Junior College Costs
20 FJC Students to Attend Retreat
